

The entire book sets in Nigeria, Adichie's homeland. Kambili and her family live in the urban city of Enugu, Nigeria. Aunt Ifeoma's house is in Nsukka, a smaller city with the University of Nigeria.



Enugu, a big city, represents an urban society that is civilized. Kambili's father always talked about how important it was for their familiy to be viewed as civilized based on the amount of wealth they have. He even spoke with a British accent when he spoke and never spoke native Igbo in public (46). Reputation plays a role because no one outside of the family knew about the abuse because Eugene was viewed as a humanitarian outside of home. If one of the three would have spoken, his reputation would have been ruined. 


Nsukka, represented a more warm-hearted environment for the characters in the novel. Kambili and Jaja thought it was a place to escape from their father. Eventually, even their mother came to Nsukka after Eugene caused her second miscarriage. The novel implies there were multiple and that they were all caused by the father’s violence. Also, Nsukka demonstrates a village with economic difficulties. For example, the toilet only flushes once a day in Aunt Ifeoma’s house (121). They also are very scarce on fuel when the government runs out for a few weeks. The city shows that even though they do not have the best quality of items they still remain happy.


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Enugu, Nigeria
Enugu, Nigeria
Nsukka, Nigeria
Nsukka, Nigeria



"A coup always began a vicious cycle. Military men would always overthrow one another, because they could, because they were all power drunk" (24).


Christmas season is celebrated in the novel when Jaja and Kambili are about to go visit their Aunt Ifeoma in Nsukka. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ. The holiday symbolizes a new beginning in Kambili's life with her family. This is the first time she is outside of the house without her parents. She is exposed to new things like laughter and song in prayer. She felt awkward about it at first, but then she started to like it and became a developed person through this birth in her coming of age.


Easter and Palm Sunday are also part of the setting in Purple Hibiscus. The beginning of the novel starts off with Palm Sunday, a week before Easter, marking a beginning of the celebration. It was the beginning of Jaja rebellious actions against his father. Easter is the Christian holiday of Christ rising from the dead. Easter also signifies a rebirth or a resurrection. This is crucial to the novel because Easter time was when they went back to Aunt Ifeoma's house. Kambili experienced a rebirth within herself into a developed character. She even reveals a sense of change after climbing a top of the hill: "So many things seem easier now" (284). Kambili has now matured with her own resurrection.

Christmas: Born, New Beginning
Christmas: Born, New Beginning
Easter: Resurrection, Rebirth
Easter: Resurrection, Rebirth

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